Thursday, April 28, 2011

Asparagus Dinner!

Wow! Two spears of asparagus - enough for a meal. Planted a second row of Twinkle peas.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another Very Hot Day On The Allotment

Lin and I spent the morning weeding and watering on the allotment in the scorching heat. I also planted a row of peas (Twinkle). As you can see, the potatoes are coming along nicely. These are the first earlies, the second earlies are shooting too, but the main crop haven't started yet.

In the shed at home, the butternut squashes are shooting, all of the courgettes have too. Runner beans and sweetcorn have only given about 50%, so I may have to buy another packet of corn seeds and plant some more beans.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More Things Popping Out Of The Soil!

We have a lone spear on the asparagus bed. Hopefully we will have a good crop this year, we've had the crowns in now for a few years and the amount we get has slowly been increasing.

The first of the courgettes and runner beans are now shooting. Once there was some room I put them in the heated propagator and they've come on quickly.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Strawberries And More Sowing

Another morning spent on the allotment and we were greeted by the first flower of the year on our strawberry bed!

Lin spent her time planting seeds - mixed salad leaves, carrots (Nantes and Fly Away, a F1 hybrid variety that should be resistant to carrot fly), spring onions (white Lisbon), cabbage (Greyhound) and parsnips (White Gem).

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Few More Seeds Planted

Found some time this afternoon to plant the first batch of runner bean seeds. These are White Lady and are seeds that we saved from last year's crop. I also planted some courgettes (Striato D'Italia) and butternut squash (Zucca). Space is getting very tight in the shed at home now, but I'll get them in somewhere.

Butts & Bean

I got two old water butts off of Freegle recently, they just need a good wash out and a couple of new taps. Yesterday, I made a stand for them and connected them up and now we have three times the amount of rainwater storage.

The broad beans are coming up nicely, even if they are being nibbled. Once they get a little bit bigger they will be fine. Onions and shallots are doing OK too.

Picked a nice amount of rhubarb which Lin turned into a couple of crumbles this morning.

Friday, April 8, 2011

More Seeds

The sweetcorn have started shooting today, I'd say that about 50% have sprouted so far.

I've also planted some more seeds today. Another half a row of mixed salad leaves as the first ones are a bit leggy now. Next to the mixed salad is half a row of rocket. I also planted some Ruby F1 tomatoes in the heated propagator in peat pots. these will go in the garden boarders and not down the allotment.