Saturday, February 18, 2012

Onions, shallots and broad beans

Today we planted the onion sets and shallots. The onions are the same as we planted last year, Red Baron and Stuttgarter Giant. They both did really well last year and stored well. They stored so well that we still have some of both left. We wanted to get Golden Gourmet shallots as they did well last year and like the onions stored well over winter, but we couldn't find any good quality bulbs so we bought a couple of varieties that we've never tried before. The ones above are Pikant and some French ones called Jermor.

As you can see our broad beans have survived the recent snow and cold weather and are looking healthy. There's a little bit of nibbling, but nothing to worry about.

We also have leeks and garlic growing well. We could do with some sunshine now to start warming the ground up and then we can get on with the other crops.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chitting Potatoes

It's that time of year already, time to put the seed potatoes in the shed and let them sprout nice healthy shoots. We've gone with the same potatoes that we grew last year as they did so well. The earlies are Home Guard, Charlottes for the second earlies and our main crop is Desiree. We had such good crops last year that we are still eating last year's Desiree.